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Carthage Mock Trial completed its fall invitational season at the Fantastic Flyer Tournament, hosted by Lewis University Nov. 23-24. Twenty teams from across the Midwest competed.

Carthage also competed at Illinois State University the weekend of Nov. 1-3 in a 30 team field.

Marcus Lemons ’27 took home individual awards at both tournaments. He received a perfect score of 20 at ISU for best plaintiff witness. He also won awards for best plaintiff witness and best defense attorney at Lewis. Marcus Stubbs ’26 won an award for best plaintiff attorney at Lewis. Both students also won awards at the first tournament of the season, the Dairyland Challenge, hosted by Carthage in October.

This year’s case is a civil matter of Shannon Shahid v. Taylor Hopson. On April 25, infamous Midlands millionaire Avery Bancroft died while aboard the Mid-Riverina Express (the “MRE”). Bancroft had two children: Taylor Hopson and Shannon Shahid (Hopson’s younger half-sibling). According to Bancroft’s will, Hopson, who was also aboard the MRE when Bancroft died, would inherit most of Bancroft’s estate. Shahid has brought forward a Slayer Statute proceeding, alleging Hopson caused Bancroft’s death and therefore cannot inherit any of Bancroft’s estate.

Members of the Mock Trial Team act as attorneys and witnesses and present the case as the plaintiff and defense. Scores are based on performance, knowing the facts of the case, and understanding the law. The rules and objections are based on the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Both teams will continue preparing for their final invitational tournament on Jan. 25-26 at Loyola University in Chicago before competing in the regional tournament at UW-Madison the weekend of Feb. 15-16.

This year’s team members are:

Carthage Red

  • Diego Alvarez ’26
  • Grace Anderson ’26 **
  • Basil Kiracofe ’27
  • Elizabeth Lalonde ’25
  • Adrian Maciejewski ’26
  • Carter Rus ’26
  • Marcus Stubbs ’26 **
  • Holly Valentine ’25

Carthage White

  • Madison Allen ’25
  • Olivia Artman ’28 **
  • Ayomide Ayodele ’28
  • Janie Clifton ’28
  • Brooklyn Friedel ’27
  • Rosa Hernandez ’26
  • Marcus Lemons ’27
  • Katherine Long ’28 **

** Denotes Team Captains

The team is coached by Professor Michael Phegley (management and marketing) and Attorney Margaret Zienkiewicz (adjunct faculty). Attorney Matt Richer ’14 and Liv Higgins ’22 serve as assistant coaches. Also assisting the team this season are Jon Allen ’22, Alicia Lederhaus ’23, and Mariah Bader ’24. Professor Art Cyr and the A. W. Clausen Center for World Business also provide support.

If you have an interest in law school or want to further develop public speaking, critical thinking, and team-building skills, send an email to Prof. Phegley at for more information about joining the team.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Carthage Mock Trial

For more information, contact:

Michael Phegley Director, Mock Trial Program: