Information Session: Learn about pre-law at Carthage tomorrow

Attend a Pre-Law Information Session at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, in room 113 of the Clausen Center.
We will address a range of questions — everything from how to learn about the legal profession, academic offerings at Carthage, the Carthage Mock Trial team, internships — related to law school. We will also discuss briefly the law school application process.
This session is geared mainly for first-year Carthage students but is open to all students.
Learn more about pre-law at Carthage
Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:
Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, Political Science Department, Business Administration Program, Criminal Justice Program, Carthage Mock Trial, and The Aspire Center
For more information, contact:
Carthage Pre-Law Coordinator, Prof. Thomas Powers: tpowers@whtmy.com