Criminal Justice Alumni Spotlights

David Hoeppner
Class Year: ’99
Majors: Criminal Justice
Current Hometown: South Milwaukee, WI
Police Officer for the City of Milwaukee
“The thing I have enjoyed the most about my career is the ability to do different assignments and explore other areas of law enforcement.”

Jason Kalinowski
Class Year: ’06
Majors: Criminal Justice
Current Hometown: Antioch, Illinois
Investigations Commander at the Gurnee Police Department
“I have really enjoyed the community policing aspect of my career. Several of my roles have put me in a position to lead many different community-related activities.”

Anthony Nudo
Class Year: ’14
Majors: Criminal Justice
Current Hometown: Kenosha, Wisconsin
Partner at Guttormsen, Terry & Nudo, LLC.
“I enjoy being met with a new challenge each day. Each day is different in the field of law.”

Christopher Steenrod
Class Year: ’09
Majors: Psychology
Current Hometown: Kenosha, WI
Deputy District Attorney for Racine County
“Achieving justice and positive outcomes for crime victims is the most rewarding part of my career. The liberal arts education Carthage provided has been instrumental when attacking complex legal issues that arise in cases. I am able to apply the facts of each particular case to various sources of case law and statutory authority to decipher the applicable law in each case and argue effectively before the court.”

Jaclyn Wilks
Class Year: 2020
Majors: Criminal Justice and Political Science
Current Hometown: Kenosha, Wisconsin
Associate Manager for Human Resources at SC Johnson
“Every day I am faced with new questions and challenges, which have provided me an opportunity to continually grow within my field.”